Roseta (cabos)

25,95 (IVA incl.)

Minimalistic and functional – Rosette is a metal canopy that brings the best of your lampshade without taking the spotlight away from it. Made from steel and available in both black and white, this canopy can be installed directly on an electric outlet or next to one. Just pair it with your favourite lampshade and put your home in the best light!

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Cabo têxtil de 2,1 m


Para todas as lâmpadas UMAGE. E27 – Max. 15W LED. Lâmpadas não incluídas.


14 cm


2,5 cm

Minimalistic and functional – Rosette is a metal canopy that brings the best of your lampshade without taking the spotlight away from it. Made from steel and available in both black and white, this canopy can be installed directly on an electric outlet or next to one. Just pair it with your favourite lampshade and put your home in the best light!

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